Important cautionary medical advice for the FF Detox program

This program dramatically reduces the caloric intake and also triggers the body to quickly release and clear out old metabolic waste products that are lying around in our cells, in lymphatic tissue, and stored as mucus.

For people requiring very specific nutritional intake either because they are children, elderly, pregnant, breast feeding or have diabetes should not follow this program as it will be too restricted in the amount of calories that are required during these circumstances and may affect blood sugar levels.

If pregnant or breast feeding it is not the time to release metabolic waste into your body which may in turn be transferred to the baby. Caloric restriction will be detrimental to the growth of the foetus and to the quality and quantity of a lactating mother’s breast milk.

Fermented foods are quite high in potassium and therefore the program should not be undertaken if you have you a medical condition, such as renal failure or heart arrhythmias that are affected by increased metabolic acid levels in the blood stream, certain foods and minerals. High potassium foods can also have a detrimental effect when taken in combination with certain medication. If uncertain you should discuss this with your health practitioner.

The detoxification process can release inflammatory metabolic acidic wastes that can make some people feel more emotional than usual. If you have a severe mental illness it is advised that you perform a less intense version of the program. Options for less strict versions of the FF Detox (Fermented Food Detox) program are discussed later in this book in chapter 12.

It is important that you don’t follow the strict version of the FF Detox program of eating only the Wise Nutrients fermented super food powder and Gut Restore fermented lemon drink
for longer than a 10 day period. Calorie restriction has great benefits short term but if done for longer periods of time can be quite harmful and depleting to the body. The strict 10 day FF Detox should be followed no more often than once a year.


For all serious medical conditions it is important that you seek medical advice before you commence this program. It is a highly efficient program and therefore can move many old toxins very quickly and a body that is severely unwell may not cope as well as a stronger body throughout this process. So whilst a detox program is usually very beneficial for serious medical conditions a gentler version of the program may need to be individually tailored for you by a health practitioner.

It is important to be aware that this program makes no claim to cure any specific medical condition. The detox program can only help the body to cope and function more efficiently in its current state.
